Wednesday, November 5, 2008

balloters' bikes

We took the 'L' to the garden in the City,
a bit past half after nine
where droves of balloters hurried their gaits
to join the bunching, to stand and wait

for a figure on the over-large screen.

they'd heard that the phone call had come in
their grins now had something of glee
it was certain for them already
and so they had only to see.

their bikes hooked like vines against fences
faces turned, like flies to a light
hats tilted, knees bobbing, pointed lenses
it would be a momentous night.

giants, they were on friends' shoulders;
daring, shouted their pride,
as their new national leader
had come from their own South Side,

had offered a really good ride--

and had won
by a most uplifting


A leader who'd promised a dream.

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