Monday, July 12, 2010

ideas, many thought on the train

- check it out, clark street. it's like chicago picked up your string and threaded you through all these 'hoods that don't match, but don't clash either. like a third grade teacher's necklace.

- keep it up, persimmon sunset.

- L-train rides are made of patterns.

- paint, so often paint on the fingertips. and a tip of a song in the ear.

- steampunk, snowflakes, slim. berry blue. pulled string, it's true. we'd melt, you think so too.

- swimming in a sweatshirt, having jumped to conclusions.

- honey and boat rust and breezy warm shade; unfamiliar dirt, ambling rhythm, cinnamon-wry air - me breathing, you there.

upward, this way, sure
train passed but we have all night
to get where we go

made vegan puppy chow. also roasted a batch of tea. proceeded to compost the song that could lead to universal peace, then made a paper plane out of it and flew it away. then reinvented the wheel. what's next?

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