Wednesday, January 23, 2008

From a folktale I'm reading now

From a folktale I'm reading now, a timeless story for a girl I know:

'Once again she felt the difficulty of this man. When she met him or spoke to him, he improved the way she felt, he enlarged her life, he made her day bright and bearable. But he gave her no direct or tangible evidence that she had any effect, of any kind, on him.'

She can't guess and, after a while, she won't.
Give her evidence.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Older Haikus for Spanish class

Por la manana hace frio
ventana rujada y
yo sin un sueter


Podemos hablar
no te entiendo si
que te conozco


Bailamos todos
zapatos sin limites
hasta manana

Ten numbers, then

Ten numbers, then
four-and-a-half hours taking depth by surprise,
two in front of a screen, cracking jokes quietly.

Then what.
Impatience retreated from Want-of-Pursuit,
Pursuit that you did not take.

first thoughts were on the Twice;
then hesitation (yours)
made it twice null (?)

In any case, Impatience still wonders,
while I sleep.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

A few from KB

He dresses like Edward Scissorhands.
But thats cool, isn't it?

Yo compre dos pantalones, cuatro camisetas, ...
Ya yo tengo cinco.

It tastes exactly like the tea at a Chinese restaurant. Exactly.

I'm not going to bed until 10 (tomorrow morning).

All right, I'm going to take a walk and call A. Just in case anybody wanted to know.

I did.