Monday, January 26, 2009

I'd send you those songs

Overwhelming sting
like a rubberband to wrist
each time I wanna send you a song

when I'm moved by words
or a strumming of strings
it'd be easy to forget how long

I was stuck in a place
where I had no status; it was not my thing
(it wasn't, not at all, all along)

so I don't send you those songs

and because I want to be strong

because I want my ripples--

I shake my head fast,
not willing to think
that what I decided is wrong

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Fine, I'll swim

Sometimes I'm rushed by a wave of desires
overwhelmed by the water
that I jumped into

It's a silly storm out here
that wants to consume me
what good will I be
among sunken ships?

Well if I must, then take me
Fine, I'll walk the plank
I'll jump right into the sea
and swim to the bank

of the shore with the pink sands
that I saw before
but whose beaches I've never had a fair chance to explore

The one that looks like it may have something for

Yes, I'll walk the whole coast of that
far away land
and I'll run my fingers
through all that pink sand

O I do not know how long I'll be away
or if in the end I will decide to stay
or if, after that, I'll jump into the water

and be rushed by a wave of desires again.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

facebookian about me

I want to learn.
I listen, and watch.
I am said to be very intentional.
Often, I'm not--
and I like to be pulled.

I have wanderlust, and I am always home.
I am without limits.
I want others to know that they are without limits.

Creativity inspires me.
Individuals inspire me.

I'd like to help connect people by writing.

I am thrilled by the ways of the world, and
Swept by the romantic.
I make things happen by knowing that they can be.

Monday, January 5, 2009

something apropos, I don't know

It all happens at once,

and shedding that unhealthy state
and being open has an edge,
and not knowing, while healthier, is not as easy--

giving up something great, that's not easy.
But giving up something grand, that's not fair.

And it burns, of course it does.

But wow does she command her world;
so what she really needs comes to her.
today, so soon, for instance, she brings home a young tree
and hears 'new' shouted from all angles
and 'yes' and her name! and votes of confidence--

yes, grand! it can be. She hears all this.
All like death and like new life

she may be, she can see
even more than before
when she already knew
it takes two, two at a time
and when one knows more than the other,
as she did,

when she admitted that she did,
it could not wait!

When she admitted that she knew
that she was looking for more
and here there wasn't more to have
when she knew this, she knew also
to move.

And then there.
There it is, because
All moves at once.
and she sees this, and knows it can be.

in less than a day

in less than a day
some things become magnified
feeling my ripples

and ouch.

self imposed ripples,
gosh. maybe better. but now,
a fiery crash

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Cheers! to each other

Cheers! to each other
over shouts, under raised arms
in Tokyo lights blaze

while we're smiling here
and while we're all in a haze
it's all just a phase

cause something's missing
while the people are kissing
a truly true thing

more than us it's love-
ing that which we don't yet know
it's not all for show

and yet the lights blaze
and yet we're still in a haze
our subconscious plays

it plays and it plays.