Sunday, January 11, 2009

Fine, I'll swim

Sometimes I'm rushed by a wave of desires
overwhelmed by the water
that I jumped into

It's a silly storm out here
that wants to consume me
what good will I be
among sunken ships?

Well if I must, then take me
Fine, I'll walk the plank
I'll jump right into the sea
and swim to the bank

of the shore with the pink sands
that I saw before
but whose beaches I've never had a fair chance to explore

The one that looks like it may have something for

Yes, I'll walk the whole coast of that
far away land
and I'll run my fingers
through all that pink sand

O I do not know how long I'll be away
or if in the end I will decide to stay
or if, after that, I'll jump into the water

and be rushed by a wave of desires again.

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