Monday, January 5, 2009

something apropos, I don't know

It all happens at once,

and shedding that unhealthy state
and being open has an edge,
and not knowing, while healthier, is not as easy--

giving up something great, that's not easy.
But giving up something grand, that's not fair.

And it burns, of course it does.

But wow does she command her world;
so what she really needs comes to her.
today, so soon, for instance, she brings home a young tree
and hears 'new' shouted from all angles
and 'yes' and her name! and votes of confidence--

yes, grand! it can be. She hears all this.
All like death and like new life

she may be, she can see
even more than before
when she already knew
it takes two, two at a time
and when one knows more than the other,
as she did,

when she admitted that she did,
it could not wait!

When she admitted that she knew
that she was looking for more
and here there wasn't more to have
when she knew this, she knew also
to move.

And then there.
There it is, because
All moves at once.
and she sees this, and knows it can be.

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